
I will not neglect my blog.
I will not neglect my blog.
I will try very very hard not to neglect my blog.

I was just scrolling over my most recent posts and realized that unlike my more dedicated amigos, I have had only 5 entries in the last 4 months. Oh my, no wonder my hit count is so low. But no longer! I have mid-year blog resolutions:
1. to make my life interesting and amusing to read about (like susan, to whose blog I am hopelessly addicted ^_^)
2. not to write so durn much about stinky boys that take up my valuable time
3. post at least 4 times a week
4. stop changing my template (do you like this one? It covers up the ads!)
5. remember that random tangents are the brain's Worlds Of Fun
So now to the meat of the matter.

Boy, am I neck-deep in holy rollers! On our way here, I remember asking mom if Atlanta was considered part of the infamous (at least in our family) Bible Belt. Her reply was both unsettling and ambiguous: "I think, bug, that the Bible Belt is just wherever they want to put it...but you'll find out whether or not they put it here PDQ."
Man, oh, Man Manachewitz!
Boy, oh, Boyardee!
Not so much a belt as a Girdle!
Hey, well, I have to go, but please keep me informed on the goings-on in Kansasland and please ask me questions (random or otherwise) about Georgia, squirrels, french, ranch dressing, tortillas, moon shoes, and snot monkeys if you feel like it. And pleasepleaseplease give me a call. (913) 481-9877. Woot! I be missing ALL OF YOU (not y'all)